
Certified quality


Our certifications speak on our behalf: certified quality.

We are aware that quality is at the foundation of every service to our customers. Therefore, already in April 1999, we have been pursuing the quality certification Uni EnIso 9001, a result that proves our customer centricity. Our organisation has then created internal norms, processes and continuous checks in order to organise the various departments and offer reliability and professionalism throughout all the services we offer. We pay special attention to the training of the whole personnel, organising periodic training on traffic laws, new legislations, authorisations and first responders.

I nostri certificati


Certificazione Qualità

Uni En Iso 9001

Green by nature

Energy saving has always been the DNA of our organisation.
Reducing consumption has always been our prerogative, in every aspect.

A modern

Constant investment in our proprietary fleet allows us to reach our goal of our “project Euro6”.


We are in the process of transforming all internal and external lighting systems and switching to LED technology with the objective to save more energy.


Our modern systems allow us to:

∙Reduce by 6,8t our CO2 emission
∙Plant914 trees in a virtual forest
∙Save 3,2 TEP of fossil fuel in a year

A taste of our future projects.

We want to keep growing along the pattern laid down long ago, so we are currently working towards the following certifications:
∙ISO 14000
∙ISO 18000

@2022 Castelli Livio SRL.
P.I: 00268510138
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